Open Channels is an Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine Clinic
dedicated to providing high quality person centered care, so you can
more fully engage and enjoy your life.
"Ben has a connection that I have never witnessed or experienced with any other acupuncturist.
I saw Ben for digestive issues, and he helped me immensely. Throughout my treatment he asked about unrelated pain I was experiencing without my mentioning it.
He knew the pain existed and where simply from my chi."
- Lori P.
"I contracted Long Haulers Covid. The only medicine that helped was Ben's.
He has been knowledgeable, caring, skilled and invested in my healing.
I will be forever grateful for his work in helping me heal.
- Maria M.
Areas of Specialties
Digestive and Elimination Projects
Acid Reflux / Regurgitation
Anxiety / Depression
Stress / Tension
Migraines / Headaches
Skeletal-Muscular Pain
Low Back Pain
Chronic and Systemic Diseases: Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue
Post-Surgical Recovery
Symptoms of Long-Haul Covid -19
The people I've worked with have had the most success in these areas. If you're experiencing something not on this list, contact me and let's talk to see if Open Channels' treatments can be helpful to you. Ben@openchannelshealth.com or Schedule an Appointment online.